Bruxy and Priv Feb 2016Driven by his desire to understand the world around him, Montreal-born and Toronto-raised Bruxy Cavey moved from his career as a party DJ to a job as a professor and senior pastor. Today, he lives in Hamilton, Ontario, where he heads The Meeting House, one of Canada's largest and most innovative churches. On top of that, he's also a best-selling author.

He's long been passionate about the brand, and has recently fallen in love with PRIV, now his device of choice.

"I'm curious," says Cavey. "I want to know why. Why the world works the way it does. Why people are the way they are. Why people choose this instead of that. Why the reality of God seems obvious to some and obviously false to others. And the big one – why everyone doesn't have a BlackBerry."

Cavey isn't the only one who loves BlackBerry. He shares his love for the PRIV with these twin fashion moguls, and his passion for the brand with this Hollywood actor, this rising NBA star, this life-saving oncologist, these world-champion athletes, this Las Vegas music promoter, this young entrepreneur and even high-powered media personality Piers Morgan.

Nick Greene: What inspired you to purchase the PRIV?

Bruxy Cavey: My friend Greg was at a business conference the year BlackBerry (then RIM) released their first model, and all attendees received a BlackBerry device as a promotional gift. I asked if I could try his out, and there was no turning back. Aside from being convinced they should be called BlueBerries (they were blue!), I experienced only delight and curiosity for how this new technology was going to change how we do things – and did it ever.

I found the BB10 operating system far superior to others, and I'd still be with my Passport if it weren't for the lack of specific apps. That phone was my office: my laptop, phone and personal assistant all in one. I was prepared to live with the app deficit because of how much I appreciated the OS, but then I took the time to study the PRIV.

When I saw that BlackBerry added their own touches to Android, that won me over. This isn't just an Android phone with a keyboard – it functions with enough distinctive BlackBerry features like the Hub and BBM to make me feel at home. My PRIV feels just like my Passport did: an office in my pocket.

Bruxy B&WGreene: How does the PRIV stack up to other devices you've used?

Cavey: I've tried other Android phones, and they all lacked the productivity-enabling features of my Passport (plus, it was too much tapping and not enough swiping).

I also used an iPhone for a few months, as a replacement for a stolen BlackBerry. While I could appreciate the camera and apps, there was just too much BlackBerry functionality missing for me to stick with it. Plus, the back button and excessive tapping just felt "old" to me.

The PRIV is honestly the best phone I've ever used. There are a couple of BB10 features I miss, but they're minor – and well worth it as trade-offs.

Greene: Walk us through an average workday. What does it involve?

Cavey: There is no normal day for me.

One day, I might have a staff meeting followed by a pastoral counselling appointment with a person in crisis, followed by a hospital visit and topped off with a local speaking event at a university or church. The next, I might be completely focused on administration – emails and phone calls – with a few meetings. The day after that, I might be catching a flight to a more distant speaking presentation.

Because every day is different – and because I travel so much – the ability to stay connected to my office is paramount, and that's something BlackBerry has always provided.

Greene: How does the PRIV assist you in a professional context? How does it help you be more organized, more productive, etc.?

Bruxy_BlackBerry-4Cavey: To start, I use BBM for work communications. We have multiple staff and volunteer teams that I touch base with, and I encourage each team to align in a different BBM group. This allows for ongoing, quick and precise communication.

Beyond that, I respond every day to questions that people send from around the world via BBM, Twitter, Facebook and email, checking my calendar to see what happens next and getting directions to where I need to go. The Android versions of Facebook and Twitter are a bit more robust in their features than their BB10 counterparts, not to mention that I'm now using Instagram, Snapchat and Dubsmash to keep connected with my daughters; this wasn't really possible on my old BlackBerry.

I also really appreciate how email functions on the PRIV – with the ability to snooze, delete, mute, flag, file or mark emails read/unread with a swipe left or right.

Most significantly, because I'm often driving to multiple locations in one day, Google Maps has now become a can't-do-without feature for me. It even integrates with my calendar to offer me suggested route options based on my schedule. It's uncanny.

Greene: What do you love most about the PRIV? What features couldn't you live without?

Cavey: Where do I start?

The keyboards! I use both the physical and onscreen keyboards regularly, depending on the app I'm in, the project I'm working on or even my mood. Sometimes I struggle with maintaining focus for long periods of time, so I'll switch keyboards in the middle of a task, going back and forth like a dance to keep myself moving forward and engaged.

Next to that, the Hub has become non-negotiable for me. It just seems right, like it's how every smartphone should be organized. The interactivity between BlackBerry's apps with Google's is also incredible; maps and information and navigation all mesh together seamlessly, rolling together into an incredibly practical package.

On the fun side, the camera is a cut above. The detail and clarity are stunning. I tried the panorama feature just recently, and it blew past my expectations.

Lastly, I also picked up a rapid charger for my home and car, which only the PRIV and a few other Android devices benefitted from. All I can say is "Wow." The super-fast charge times make a huge difference if I need to power through my day and want a top-up during the drive home or before going out again in the evening.

Because of the PRIV, I don't have to worry about when I charge my device – I can just do it whenever's necessary.

Greene: How would you rate the PRIV overall?

Cavey: 9/10. (Only Jesus gets a 10.)

Greene: How do your friends and colleagues feel about you using a BlackBerry device? Are any of them fellow fans?

Cavey: I find the PRIV's attracting the attention of both my diehard Blackberry friends and my more skeptical friends. They're all ready for a change. It feels sort of like when I rode a motorcycle.

It was like I was part of a club that met on the road – riders would offer an "I'm cool, you're cool, let's be cool together" wave as we passed by one another. With the PRIV, I feel like I'm part of a really similar community. I'm part of a group that appreciates quality more than popularity and who are willing to go against the flow when they know something's good.

Want to learn more about the PRIV? Have a look at what major Android reviewers have to say about the phone, or see how some top lifestyle bloggers feel about the device. You could also read about how it's been listed it as an incredible enterprise productivity tool, or look at the PRIV's official product page.

And if you're interested in picking up a PRIV for yourself, check out our availability blog.